Traffic Police Station (kk)

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Traffic Police Station (kk)

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Where is located? 5.98042,116.07594 (GPS Coordinates)

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Reviews about this place

     Suggest to open the road from Jalan Kepayan into Jalan Pahlawan during road block after office hours

Cars entering towards Papar area on Jalan Kepayan move slowly or stop intermittently during the jam queue returning homes. Since cars can only move slowly or stopped on jalan kepayan towards Papar, so cars from airport side entering into Ja... Read more

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What hotels, hostels and apartments are located near Traffic Police Station (kk)?

List of nearest hotels:

Dreamtel Kota Kinabalu three stars hotel located at 5, Jalan Padang, 46 meters east.

Victoria Hotel and Hostel two stars hotel located at 17, Jalan Sentosa, Kota Kinabalu, Kampung Air, 143 meters southwest.

KK Crystal Hotel two stars hotel located at # 13 Jalan Kampung Air Hj Yaakub, 156 meters west.

Mandarin Hotel three stars hotel located at Number 138, Jalan Gaya,, 171 meters north.

Hotel Five 2 in Kota Kinabalu located at No 6, Lorong Sentosa 1, Jalan Merdeka Kampong Air, Sabah, 174 meters west.

Grand M Hotel two stars hotel located at Lot 7, Jalan Merdeka, Kampung Air, , 177 meters west.

Akinabalu Youth Hostel located at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Floor, Lot 133, Jalan Gaya , 199 meters north.

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